Registered customers, please log in.

The button below will take you to our login portal on SecureAuth

How do I access Midstream LiveTM Help?
For help with logon problems you may call 1.888.782.1447 for assistance, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

What is Midstream LiveTM?
Midstream LiveTM provides best available real-time system status and meter data online for the following Enterprise natural gas pipelines and gathering systems:

  • Enterprise Texas Pipeline, LLC
  • Enterprise Intrastate, LLC
  • Enterprise Field Services, LLC
  • Enterprise GC L.P.
  • Acadian Gas Pipeline System

      Available information includes:

      • Meter data for authorized customers.
      • Pipelines and gathering systems real-time operating status.
      • Shipper reports for authorized customers.
      • Automated wellsite problem notification.

      How do I become a registered user of Midstream LiveTM?
      Customers doing business with Enterprise may register to access their information by contacting:

        Contact: Ali Rhoades
        Phone: 303.820.5638
        Include your name, your company's name, and your phone number.

      Companies requesting access to Midstream LiveTMdata will be required to sign a user agreement and complete an access form.

      Thank you for doing business with Enterprise Products.
